Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2019)                   RSJ 2019, 4(4): 85-111 | Back to browse issues page

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Ehteshami F, Mosadeghrad A M, Tajvar M. Donors' Participation in the Resources Generation for Iran’s Health System. RSJ 2019; 4 (4) : 6
URL: http://rsj.iums.ac.ir/article-1-192-en.html
Abstract:   (909 Views)
Background & Objectives: Philanthropy refers to individual contributions for the common good, relief of pain and suffering, and improvement of people's quality of life. Philanthropists and donors are involved in financing, generating resources and providing health services. This study aimed to explore donors' participation in generating resources in the Iranian health system and identify factors affecting the allocation of donors' resources.
Materials & Methods: This qualitative research was conducted using semi-structured interviews and document analysis in 2018. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 38 health donors and 26 policy makers, managers and experts in the field of social affairs of the Ministry of Health and medical universities using purposeful and snowball sampling methods. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis method.
Results: Donors participate in providing the capital, current and human resources. Capital resources include endowment of land, construction, development and operation of healthcare facilities and provision of capital equipment. Current resources include the repair and reconstruction of healthcare facilities and technologies and the provision of medicine and consumables. Human resources include employees working in charity hospitals and clinics and volunteers working in healthcare projects. Economic, managerial, legal, behavioral, ethical, environmental and technological factors affect the participation of donors in generating resources for Iran's health system.
Conclusion: Donors contribute considerably to resources generation in Iran's health system. Several factors inside and outside the health system affect the participation of health donors. Policy makers and health managers should direct donors’ resources towards the priorities of the health system by educating, encouraging and supporting them.
Article number: 6
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/07/1 | Accepted: 2023/09/18 | Published: 2023/09/30

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