Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2016)                   RSJ 2016, 1(2): 63-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahimzadeh Barzoki H, Beirami S, Heshmati H, Qorbani M, Mansourian M. Survey of health conditions of womanish beauty shops and female makeup knowledge about the infection disease transferable in this Profession in Gorgan in 2012. RSJ 2016; 1 (2) :63-72
URL: http://rsj.iums.ac.ir/article-1-34-en.html
Abstract:   (4688 Views)


Background and Objectives: Womanish barber shop is one of the public places that looking into health conditions (personal and environmental) are important. Because, the lack of health standards and inadmissible activities such as tattooing and Threat to the health of the community. As one of the public place can barber shop will carry a variety of diseases Like HIV - hepatitis B&C-bacterial infections - viral - fungal skin diseases such as eczema - trachoma - wart – ringworm Often is transported because use of contaminated equipment. This study was conducted to determine the Health Conditions of Womanish Beauty Shops and female makeup knowledge about the infection disease transferable in this Profession in Gorgan in 2012.

Methods: In this descriptive study for determine individual health status and their knowledge about diseases associated with profession and environmental health condition, all of womanish barber shop in Gorgan in 2012 were inspected. Information collected from observation, interview and completed of questionnaire and checklist in all of the Gorgan city womanish barber shops.

Results: Barbers mean Age was 32.98±7.51 years.80.7 % of barbers has License. 84% have participated in retraining hairdressers. 89.33% have participated in the training of public health. 50.66 %had medical card. All structural conditions parameter were cceptable.41.3% use disinfectant. Knowledge of barbers about related diseases like HIV - Hepatitis - trachoma - tetanus and ringworm were moderate. 84% were aware that HIV and hepatitis are contagious disease. 94 %believed that hairdressing equipment can be transmitted hepatitis and HIV.

Conclusion: In general, structural conditions in womanish barber shop in Gorgan were acceptable. Some parameters, such as medical cards and certificates of public health and personal health care were not appropriate and more training is needed and Monitoring should be more from environmental health inspectors. Barber knowledge about the related diseases in the three diseases (trachoma - tetanus and ringworm) is not good and need more education is Necessary.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2016/02/5 | Accepted: 2016/02/22 | Published: 2016/03/15

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