chaboksavar F, irandost M, irandost S F, sharifirad G, jalilian F, khalili S. Application of educational method of helping child to family for self-medication. RSJ 2018; 3 (3) :36-43
Abstract: (2644 Views)
Application of educational method of helping child to family for self-medication
Introduction and purpose: Arbitrary consumption of drugs has increased in the past decade that can have several complications.This study aimed at increasing awareness, attitude, and performance of mothers in order to prevent self-medication through training students and transforming their information and skills to the family.
Method: This quasi-experimental and interventional study was that sample size 126 people (intervention group 62 persons and kontrol group 64 persons). Data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of knowledge and attitude questions and a performance checklist on sel-fmedication which was used in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program. Finally two months after the last educational sessions for students, information was gathered. The results were analyzed via descriptive tests (number¸ percent¸ average¸ standard deviation) and analytical (paired T-test).
Results: the findings showed there was significant difference in knowledge between two intervention and control group (p<./001) the findings showed there was significant difference in attitude between two intervention and control group (p<./001) and also the findings showed there was significant difference in practice between two intervention and control group (p<./001)
Conclusion: the results of this study showed that grade elementary students can have effective role in knowledge transfer and health concept their mothers.
Kay words: helping child to family¸ self-medication¸ drug
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2018/04/23 | Accepted: 2018/05/29 | Published: 2018/05/29