- Investigation of Health and Environmental Effects of Airborne Microplastics
Majid Hashemi, Mahdi Rezaei - Comparison of Effects of Two Methods of Lecture and Group Discussion on Knowledge and Attitudes of Third Year High School Students about AIDS, Chalderan City
Leila Ravanyar, Davoud Shojaei zadeh, Rana Hosseini, Fereshteh Farzianpour - Motivational typology of Iranian visitors to war memorials
Arastoo Yari Hesar, Borzoo Sabzi, Yaghob Solimani - Types of Bioremediation Methods in Removing Petroleum Compounds from Water: a systematic review
Fatemeh Rahimi, Saeideh Moradalizadeh - A Review on Steroid Hormones Removal from Aquatic Environments by Advanced Oxidation Process
sahar abolghasemi, Saeideh Moradalizadeh - Associated factors of satisfaction among service recipients of Aran & Bidgol Comprehensive Health Centres
sodabe vatankhah, narges abdollahinejat, hamid pourasghari - Technical efficiency analysis of primary care centers (urban and rural health centers of the country): a systematic review and meta-analysis
Asgar Aghai Hashtjin, Narges Abdollahi Nejat - The effect of 30 hours of sleep deprivation on the response of orexin-A levels and pulmonary function to an anaerobic activity in active male students
Mehdi Torkashvand, Tooraj Mohammad Zamani, Vahid Kazemizadeh - Validation of Evaluation and Ranking Indicators of Health Non-Governmental Organizations in Iran
Amir Sadeghi, Mohammad Qolipour, Seyyede Maryam Haeri - Equity in Distribution of Hospital Beds in Mazandaran Province
Alireza Darrudi, Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Hamed Dehnavi - The Effect of Goal-Related Marketing and Personal Norms on the Intention to Donate Blood: a case study in clients of blood transfusion organization of Karaj city
Sheyda Sedighi, Leila Nazarimanesh, Aniseh Nikravan - Examining the Rate of Mask Usage in the Covid-19 Pandemic in Different Socioeconomic Groups of Mazandaran Province in 2020
Samad Rouhani, Vahid Makhtoomi, Ghader Momeni Rahkola, Seiyed Davod Nasrullah Pour Shirvani, Javad Habibzadeh Kashi - Investigating Demographic and Social Factors in the Incidence of Covid-19 Disease and the Level of Health Protocol compliance among patients in 2019 in Nir city
Alieh Ghayebi, Farbod Ebadi Fardazar, Saeed Bagheri - Examining the socioeconomic characteristics of people with a history of covid-19 in Mazandaran province in 2020
Samad Rouhani, Vahid Makhtoomi, Ghader Momeni Rahkola, Davood Nasrullahpour Shirvani, Javad Habibzadeh Kashi - Investigating the Effect of Group Logotherapy on Perception on the Image of God, Locus of Control and Anxiety in Open Heart Surgery Candidates Admitted to Tehran Heart Center in 2019
Morteza Mansourian, Sheida Vahidi, Roghayeh nouri, Fatemeh Gholami, Fatemeh Sadat Alavi - Qualitative Analysis of Sports Radio Network Programs with Emphasis on the Levels of Active Participation of Sports in the Society
Sakineh Hashemi, Narjes sadat Salehi - Investigating the Relationship between Prevention and Correction Systems and Medical Error Management in Teaching Hospitals: a study in Alborz University of Medical Sciences
Leila Rriahi, Jamaleddin Tabibi, Zeynab Mafakheri Nezhad - The Effect of Pilates Aerobic Exercise Along with Probiotic Supplementation on Metabolic Syndrome Indicators and Body Composition in Obese Adult Women
Sepideh Hosseini, Mohammadali Azarbayjani - Survey of Study Habits and Its Relationship with Academic Performance in Medical Students of Qom Medical Sciences in 2023
Faezeh Akbari, fatemeh sadat izadkhah, seyyed hasan adeli,, Zabihollah gharlipour,,Mohammad ali gol, siamak mohebi - Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in office staff at the Islamic Republic of Iran Airlines (Homa)
Fatemeh Asadian, Abbas Mahammadi, safura Naswrkhani
- Year 2019
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2010/07/1 - New Journal website launched
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2019، Volume 5، Number 1
- Print ISSN:
- Online ISSN: 2588-3089
- Director-in-Charge: Dr. Mehdi Farzadkia
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Farbod Ebadi Fard Azar
- Publisher: Iran University of Medical Sciences
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